This Week in Health Tech
This Week in Health Tech podcast is a health technology podcast. Podcast features Vik Patel, a health technology veteran and CEO of Tido Inc. (A Trusted Tech Partner for Healthcare Organizations) and industry experts. Our shows provide commentary, news, and perspective on the latest trends in health tech and features seasoned experienced industry experts. All of our shows are free. TWIHT is supported by advertising. We limit the number of ads on each show, and we only accept advertising from companies whose products or services benefit our audience.
This Week in Health Tech
How To Accelerate Healthcare Digital Transformation with APIs
In this episode of Digital Transformation acceleration with APIs, Vik and Jimmy discuss the basics of API and its impact on digital transformation in health systems.
The biggest factor for talking about APIs in healthcare is digital transformation. COVID has accelerated digital transformation in healthcare, it started with telehealth, but it is way beyond just telehealth: increased use AI and machine learning, patient or provider facing mobile apps, analytics, and remote monitoring. As a CIO or CEO of a health system, you need to be ready for digital transformation.
Healthcare has been working on digital transformation however COVID has expedited and pushed health systems to make changes, plus the government is also pushing digital transformation with CURES Act.
Vik and Jimmy use examples from other industries to show user experiences are way better compared to healthcare.
From a CIO standpoint, it starts with strategy, to enable digital transformation, you need to make it easier for data sharing for AI, Machine Learning, mobile apps, remote monitoring. And API is the way to go compared to the traditional way of integration.
Vik and Jimmy then dive into specifics about strategy and use a practical example to explain how APIs need to be implemented.
APIs also help realize significant ROI (return of investment) over traditional integration because of reduced resource time for implementation.
Vik and Jimmy then dive into on-premise vs cloud for API implementations. Vik explains using FHIR specification for healthcare APIs.
Vik explains the competitive advantage of having APIs to enable better user experiences.
Website: http://www.thisweekinhealthtech.com
Twitter: @TWIHT1
Tido Inc.: https://www.tidoinc.com/
Music Provided by Soundstripe.com
Linkedin: Vik Patel
Linkedin: Jimmy Kim
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